Here is Miguel from Scotland. Nah, that's just Mikey.

Here we are with 2 really cool guys that we met from California. That is the best part of this whole experience is that you get to meet so many interesting people. Me, Michael, Eric & Brian

So day 4 started out with a bang & ended with a thud. Pictured are Cody, Michael, Nick & I. The reason we are leaning is that we had just ridden the past 30 to 40 miles in the worst wind EVER. It was absolutely ridiculous. You were literally riding at a 45 degree angle it was blowing so hard. We were about 4 miles outside of our next camp (Santa Maria) when something awful happened. Nick (in the red) wrecked due to a rider in front of him not getting out of the way. He slammed to the ground and unfortunately broke his collar bone. To make matters worse the wind was brutal. So here we are with him trying to keep him covered and out of the elements until the ambulance arrived. Luckily they got there pretty quick, but he was covered in dirt and sand. The good news is that it looks like everything is going to be alright with his shoulder. The sad part out of all of this is that Nick was one of the best riders on the ride. I have no doubt he would've finished at the top had he not been injured.

Here is a picture from that windy day. Beautiful picture!

So I had to put this in there because the boy is actually doing manual labor. Bless his heart, he was washing my arm & leg warmers too. He likes for everyone to think he's all tough and mean, but deep down he's got a heart of gold. Thanks doodle!!!

Hello Riders!!!!! Hello Roadies!!!! Here we are waiting on the evenings announcements. From left we have myself, Michael, Mike, Brian, Stacy & Jim.
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