The day that will go down in infamy. Michael gleefully refers to Day 2 as the day the Breakdown happened. He relished telling Bevan and Brian about this day. Day 2 was a century, meaning 105 miles. I went to the medical tent to get adjusted for my back & neck. Once I got in there they have to take your vitals. I found out that I was severely dehydrated since my blood pressure was all over the charts. This is Ginger in the picture trying to get another reading on me. Michael was laughing pretty hard & took this picture when I was telling her how mean he is. They made me drink a gallon of water before they would let me leave. Needless to say I was up all night using the bathroom. The good news is that everything turned out okay.

Day 3, Colorado Rocky Mountain High.

So Day 3 was a really good day. I cranked it out & did really well. Luckily that evening we were staying in Paso Robles & there was stuff to walk to. Michael, Jim & I ate at Big Bad Bubba's & it was so freaking good. We had been eating slop from the cafeteria & it was great having some real food. We indulged in a few alcoholic beverages as well. Nothing like a beer or margarita to take the edge off. Jim literally kept us laughing all week while on the ride. Thank goodness he was there to entertain us.

Halelujah!!!! Here I am at the half way point between San Francisco & Los Angeles. Can you believe that view????? Talk about picturesque. We had just finished climbing a huge hill & were rewarded by this scenery. Our next camp that evening would be in Santa Maria.

Here I am with my training partner Michael. 273 miles down & 273 to go. Woohooo!!!!!!

He's king of the mountain. Go Michael go! Good job Duffman. OH YEA!
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