Monday, October 22, 2007
The Big Apple
I traveled to New York to meet up with my brother & his family. Clark's daughter Rachel was having a wine tasting to benefit the charity she started in Ethiopia. Rachel is originally from Ethiopia and started her charity a few years ago. It is called Artists for Charity. I will post a link to it on the web page so that any who might be interested can check it out. The charity benefits children living with HIV and Aids in Ethiopia and they currently have 16 children that they care for. The benefit was a huge success and they raised enough money to sponsor all 16 of the kids which is great.
Here is a shot of the Empire State building from the top of Rockefeller Center. It was a hazy day, but the views were still incredible. I had never been to "Top of the Rock" as they call it. You have great unobstructed views with thick glass all around. Definitely worth checking out if you are headed there.
Pictured are myself, Brian, Clark, Rachel & Jennifer. This was at some Italian place that my brother had been talking about that Regis Philbin likes. My food was so so & I think everyone else had the same opinion.
Clark & a bulldog outside the Comedy Cellar. My brother has 2 of these dogs and just loves them. For those that can't tell, that is my brother Clark on the right. har har
St. Patrick's Cathedral on 5th Avenue. This picture was taken from the top of Rockefeller Center as well. Beautiful building.
Heading out on the town. Brian, myself, Jennifer & Rachel.
Great view of Central Park. Every time I go to New York I'm still amazed at its size. I saw a documentary on this years ago on the History Channel & the park was originally marsh land. They hauled all the dirt in on horse & buggy to make this.
The Late Show with David Letterman. Talk about lucking out. I sent in a request for tickets about 3 weeks before leaving for NYC. The only problem is that you can only request 2 tickets. Boo!!!! So a week before the trip the show called & told me that I could get tickets, but there was a catch. I had to answer a trivia question from the show. I don't watch the show regularly, but gave it a shot. The question was where does Rupert work around the corner? I had no idea & just guessed the Carnegie Deli since it is right around the corner. I had the wrong store, but the right type of business being a deli & they gave me the tickets. Sweet!!!! This was probably one of the highlights of the trip for me. The guests were Steve Carrell & Chris Elliot. My sister Carla has always loved Chris Elliot & I knew she would have loved to have been there with us. David Letterman was real cool & his studio is huge. I was thinking it would be very small, but it holds 461 people. The people that he has working for him keep the audience pumped during commercial breaks & he was a very personable host. He answered some questions from the audience before the show & was quite funny this day.
Here we are at Rachel's wine tasting benefit in Soho. The benefit was a huge success. We are all very proud of Rachel for doing something so special and giving back to her heritage. I was very inspired talking to Rachel & hope to plan a trip over there to volunteer for a week some time next year if at all possible.
Dinner in Soho at this Sushi restaurant called Haru. The sushi was GREAT. Very cool place with a great atmosphere. I don't think I've ever eaten so much sushi in one sitting.
Last night in New York. I can't remember the peoples names that met us there, but they are friends of Rachel's who are volunteers at her charity in Ethiopia. Rachel chose Ethiopian cuisine because DUH she's from Ethiopia :). I had never had this type of food, but loved it. It was really good & I can't wait to have this again. The place was called Queen of Sheeba & is off of 10th Ave in Manhattan. Great place to check out next time any of you are there.
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