Thursday, December 27, 2007
Finegold visit
Dana & Jamie brought their family out for a visit after spending a week in Atlanta. I took them to Breckenridge & I'm wondering if they will ever come back. The bad thing is that I was only able to spend 2 days with them while they were here. The other bad thing is that it was cold, I'm talking frigid. Skiing with Brooke, Jake & Bailey the first day I knew they would be cold. Brooke wasn't feeling the greatest and she and Jake lasted one run down the mountain. Bailey was a trooper and lasted one more. Jamie cracked me up when he picked the first 2 kids up. He said, "they don't call us the whinegolds for nothing". ;) It was great seeing them as always. Breckenridge really got pounded with snow while they were here.
Here is Brooke, Jake & Lauren before we were getting ready to head out skiing for the day.
Myself, Lauren & Dana playing Domino's.
Bailey and Brooke during our game of domino's. I'm going to do my best on making it work to be there for your birthday in March Brooke. :)
Christmas 2007
I spent Christmas in Atlanta with my family this year. It was a long trip as I spent 2 weeks there, but so relaxing. I got to catch up with some old friends and spend some quality time with my parents. Maybe one day my dad will get cable so that I'm not so bored while visiting. You can only watch so much snow on tv. Most of my pics on this entry are of my niece & great niece.
Here I am with my good buddy Mark from Atlanta. This was taken at a Christmas party over in East Atlanta. It was great catching up with him as always. It is nice to know that we can go a year without seeing each other and pick right back up where we left off. He is a great friend. Now get your butt out to Denver to visit.
Here is my great niece Savannah with my mom. She is a cutie.
Mom, Savannah & Atticus. Atticus is HUGE. I told Jennifer she needs to get a saddle for him so that Savannah can ride him while she walks him. He weighs about 170.
Here is my niece Jennifer with her daughter Savannah & Ollie their bearded dragon. Have you ever seen that Jeep commercial when the lizzard blows out his head? This is what Ollie does when Atticus the dog comes near her. It is funny.
This is my sisters daughter Catherine. She was premature when born, but you would never know it now. She is adorable.

Savannah & Carla over at mom and dads for Christmas.
Here is baby Catherine. She will be crawling in a few weeks. She is almost there.

Savannah & Carla over at mom and dads for Christmas.
Here is baby Catherine. She will be crawling in a few weeks. She is almost there.
Friday, December 07, 2007
TOWN Party
I went to the Town Party in the Design Center here in Denver with my BFF Allisa & her friend Monte. The space they had the party in was amazing. It was a lot of fun.
So here Allisa and I are with Lady Bunny who was the DJ. The owners of TOWN flew her in from Miami and she was a real hoot. She has bigger hair than Dolly Parton. I didn't think that was possible.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thanksgiving 2007
I traveled to Atlanta for the Thanksgiving Holiday. I spent a lot of time with my family & we were also able to go to the Iron Bowl (Auburn vs. Alabama).
So Clark, Mitchell & I stopped at this Animal Safari on the way back to Atlanta. The are some kind of cows that are over in India. These things were huge & all of the animals are able to come up to your vehicle as you drive through the park & eat the treats that you purchase. It was a really neat place. The 2 videos below show an elk & one of these cows. Simply amazing.
Clark, Jeanne & I out in Atlanta. We ate at this place called Two Urban Licks in Inman Park. The food was fantastic. That is one thing I miss about my old town is the restaurants. The food there will beat Denver any day.
Here we have Carla, Clark, Mitchel, mom, dad, myself & Alan before we left for the game.
Here Clark & I are with our 2 cousins Nancy (left) & Lesley (right). We took Lesley & her daughter Lindsey with us to the game & met up with Nancy & Stuart before kickoff.

Here is Mitchell & Lindsey as well before the game.
This was Lindsey's first Auburn game & I think she is a fan from here on out. Here we have she and Lesley as the game was winding down. Auburn made it 6 in a row over our arch rival Alabama. A good time was had by all. I think Clark & Lesley's sides hurt the next day from all the laughing that was going on. It is always great to get together and catch up with my family.

Here is Mitchell doing his best Steve Irwin impersonation.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The Big Apple
I traveled to New York to meet up with my brother & his family. Clark's daughter Rachel was having a wine tasting to benefit the charity she started in Ethiopia. Rachel is originally from Ethiopia and started her charity a few years ago. It is called Artists for Charity. I will post a link to it on the web page so that any who might be interested can check it out. The charity benefits children living with HIV and Aids in Ethiopia and they currently have 16 children that they care for. The benefit was a huge success and they raised enough money to sponsor all 16 of the kids which is great.
Here is a shot of the Empire State building from the top of Rockefeller Center. It was a hazy day, but the views were still incredible. I had never been to "Top of the Rock" as they call it. You have great unobstructed views with thick glass all around. Definitely worth checking out if you are headed there.
Pictured are myself, Brian, Clark, Rachel & Jennifer. This was at some Italian place that my brother had been talking about that Regis Philbin likes. My food was so so & I think everyone else had the same opinion.
Clark & a bulldog outside the Comedy Cellar. My brother has 2 of these dogs and just loves them. For those that can't tell, that is my brother Clark on the right. har har
St. Patrick's Cathedral on 5th Avenue. This picture was taken from the top of Rockefeller Center as well. Beautiful building.
Heading out on the town. Brian, myself, Jennifer & Rachel.
Great view of Central Park. Every time I go to New York I'm still amazed at its size. I saw a documentary on this years ago on the History Channel & the park was originally marsh land. They hauled all the dirt in on horse & buggy to make this.
The Late Show with David Letterman. Talk about lucking out. I sent in a request for tickets about 3 weeks before leaving for NYC. The only problem is that you can only request 2 tickets. Boo!!!! So a week before the trip the show called & told me that I could get tickets, but there was a catch. I had to answer a trivia question from the show. I don't watch the show regularly, but gave it a shot. The question was where does Rupert work around the corner? I had no idea & just guessed the Carnegie Deli since it is right around the corner. I had the wrong store, but the right type of business being a deli & they gave me the tickets. Sweet!!!! This was probably one of the highlights of the trip for me. The guests were Steve Carrell & Chris Elliot. My sister Carla has always loved Chris Elliot & I knew she would have loved to have been there with us. David Letterman was real cool & his studio is huge. I was thinking it would be very small, but it holds 461 people. The people that he has working for him keep the audience pumped during commercial breaks & he was a very personable host. He answered some questions from the audience before the show & was quite funny this day.
Here we are at Rachel's wine tasting benefit in Soho. The benefit was a huge success. We are all very proud of Rachel for doing something so special and giving back to her heritage. I was very inspired talking to Rachel & hope to plan a trip over there to volunteer for a week some time next year if at all possible.
Dinner in Soho at this Sushi restaurant called Haru. The sushi was GREAT. Very cool place with a great atmosphere. I don't think I've ever eaten so much sushi in one sitting.
Last night in New York. I can't remember the peoples names that met us there, but they are friends of Rachel's who are volunteers at her charity in Ethiopia. Rachel chose Ethiopian cuisine because DUH she's from Ethiopia :). I had never had this type of food, but loved it. It was really good & I can't wait to have this again. The place was called Queen of Sheeba & is off of 10th Ave in Manhattan. Great place to check out next time any of you are there.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Auburn vs. South Florida Game
I have been telling my friend Allisa that I would take her to an Auburn football game for about a year now. She is the stylist that cuts my hair & also owns the salon in Denver. It is called 3 Cutters on Pearl. Great place by the way. Allisa is originally from Fort Collins, but swears she is southern at heart. I got a big kick out of her talking with a southern accent this weekend. She also got a kick out of some of the southern comments that my friend Andy & I were making this past weekend. So Auburn played South Florida and lost the game in overtime. Booooooo!!!!!! It was a great trip and I hope you enjoy some of the pictures that we took.
Is this picture hilarious or what??? We got on the tram in the airport & Allisa and I couldn't help but smile at each other when we saw this lady board. I LOVE HER. A friend of mine has this t-shirt that says "the higher the hair, the closer to god". This is fitting for this lady. It reminded me when I was a kid & would spend time with my sister who worked in a salon in Alabama. These ladies would come in with flat hair & then it was a foot off of their heads when they left. Hysterical!!!!! This lady had the hair, the shoes, the outfit & the nails working for her. I only wish the picture was better. I took this with my phone because I didn't want her to know.
Upon arriving in my old hometown of Atlanta, Allisa told me that she wanted fried green tomato's for lunch. There is this great little place in midtown called Agnes & Muriels that is renowned for these plus their coca cola bbq ribs. Yummy!!!! We both ordered this as an appetizer & you can see how much was left over. I felt sick after eating this much fried food, but it was so good. Allisa loved this place. The trip was off to a great start.
I believe in Auburn & love it. (George Petrie quote) There is nothing like going back home to a place that you love so dearly. I miss Auburn very much & always consider myself lucky when I get a chance to go back.
Okay, so Andy weighs about 20 pounds more than me & he is in a Small t-shirt. What gives Campbell???? I guess he is wanting to show off everything since he was just voted one of Atlanta's most eligible bachelors in Jezebel (Atlanta) magazine. Pictured are Andy, myself & Allisa. Love that Puma hat Allisa.

Matt, Andy, Allisa & I about an hour before kick off.
Here Allisa and I are towards the end of the game. Geez, what a game!!! Auburn didn't deserve to win tonight since they played so poorly. It sucks flying across the country for a game when your team loses, but Auburn has always meant more to me than some football team.

Matt, Andy, Allisa & I about an hour before kick off.
Monday, August 27, 2007
If You're Going to San--Fran--Cisco!!!!
I traveled to San Francisco for a 3 day weekend. After the past few weeks I've had a nice relaxing trip was in order. The Noodle (Brian) & I caught a flight out Friday morning & landed in this beautiful city. Michael met up with us that evening after flying in from LA where he had been on business all week. It was a great trip needless to say. I got to see my cousin Dana & spend some quality time with her family which is always great. We were also able to hook up with our buddy Eric from the Aids Lifecyle ride. Great trip, great friends & most of all a great family. I am one lucky individual to be surrounded by such amazing people.
So we arrived in San Francisco & my cousin Dana & Jamie really made us feel special. They took time out of their busy schedule's to take Brian and I out on their yacht. Like an idiot I forgot to get a picture of this bad boy, but you can see a small side glimpse of it as we are headed towards the Bay Bridge. It is 51 feet long and has sleeping quarters.
Here is Mr. B with Dana & her youngest Lauren (aka Lulu or Loopie).
Great shot of the skyline with the Trans America tower in the center.
Are my cousin's children beautiful or what???? They take after their mom and dad obviously. You won't find a better looking couple. :)

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