Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mt. Evans

Beautiful shot of Summit Lake with Mt. Evans in the background.
This is my favorite photo of the day. Look at how beautiful the meadows down below are. This is only my 2nd hike this summer since I've been in Atlanta on business the majority of the time.
Here I am with my buddy Drew. We are going to be roommates in a few weeks as he is going to rent one of my rooms in my home.
Here is Drew with Kiai. She is a a beautiful Border Collie with unique markings. She belongs to a good friend of Drew's and he let us take her on the hike. She made the hike a lot of fun.
Another shot of Summit Lake as we finished our hike. I like the way the reflection bounces off the water in this shot. Kaia and I. Oye, does she ever shed. She was in the backseat of my Wrangler and her fur was flying all over us.
So I had to stop and take this photo. We were jamming to the radio and singing to the top of our lungs when we came upon this mule. Is this hysterical or what? The mule was in his pen and I guess just bored with standing on the ground. Stubborn old mule. :O)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


The annual migration that my family does ever year to Florida for the 4th of July. The water was the worst I have ever seen it in all my 39 years. Seaweed & greem slime was everywhere. I did not get in the ocean one time in 11 days. Yuck!!!!
Clark, Cary & I went down to SanDestin for the annual Emerald Coast Fishing Tournament. Here is a picture of the winning tuna that weighed in at 406 lbs. This is actually not that big of a fish. They had 3 tuna's to weigh in that weighed all within a pound of each other.
Here is my mom & her great grandaughter Savannah.
My neice Jennifer & I getting ready to bowl one night. Clark kicked out butts as he bowled in the 200's. My high score was only 179.
Here I am with Jennifer's friend Alex riding this contraption that shoots you 300 feet up in the air like a sling shot. You rotate backwards and forwards the whole time. Alex couldn't get anyone to ride this with him so I told him I would. It was a lot of fun.
Jennifer & Rachel feeding the dolphins.
Carla and I enjoying the ride in the bay on our trek out to see the dolphins.
Pat had everyone over to his house for his annual 4th of July bbq. His buddy came in from Louissinna and cooked a feast. Here I am with my sister Carla & sister in law Jeanne. We were discussing our travel plans over dinner. The 3 of us are talking about going to Argentina next year. Sweet!!!!
Out in Rosemary Beach with PJ, Jennifer, myself & Rachel.