I went out west once again to visit my extended family in San Francisco. The big plus is that my mom and dad were there as well visiting which was great. I stayed with my Uncle Harry & Aunt Ramona & we all had a great time. I know people who read this blog probably get tired of reading this, but I'm convinced I have the best family in the world. My aunt & uncle, plus my cousin Dana showed me the best time once again. I am one lucky individual to be surrounded by such amazing people. My Aunt Ramona especially kept me laughing with all of her sayings. I have certainly missed you Aunt Ramona & it was a real treat for me to spend some one on one time with you. I'll never forget the true meaning of NT's. :)
This is a view of the mountains outside of my Aunt Ramona & Uncle Harry's house. The mountains were all lush and green this time of year. It was beautiful.
Ramona, Harry, mom, dad & my niece Dixie & I headed over to spend the day in Napa Valley. Our first winery that we stopped at is called Beringer. This is the original house that one of the Beringer brothers built once moving to Napa Valley in the late 1800's. They are one of the only winery's to stay open during prohibition. They normally have their wine tastings in this house, but it is under structural repair. The grounds of this estate are very beautiful.
Here is a photo of some of the old barrels that they used in years past at Berringer Winery.
Dixie, mom, dad & myself enjoying Pinot with one of their cellar rooms behind us.
Here are my Aunt Ramona & Uncle Harry on top of the patio at the Sterling Winery. This winery is on top of a mountain & has a gondola that takes you to the top. Unfortunately it was undergoing tests while we were there and we had to use a regular van.
Dixie, mom, myself & dad at Sterling Winery.
We were able to visit Muir Woods while in San Francisco. Muir Woods National Monument is a remnant of ancient coast redwood forests that blanketed many northern California coastal valleys before the 1800s. These tree's are simply magnificent. This tree was born in 909 AD. Pretty freaking cool.
Here is a Cathedral grove of redwoods. The redwoods can get up to 379 ft tall & have a diameter of 22 feet. They can live to be as old as 2000 years. No telling how old some of these ancient trees are.
You are able to get an idea of just how big these trees are as you look down the pathway.
Here I am in the center of one of these trees. You could knock on the bark and it would sound hollow. The actual bark on these trees can be 12 inches thick.
After Muir Woods we headed for Stinson beach for a picnic by the ocean. The sand is no where near as pretty as the Gulf of Mexico.
So you can't really tell much from this picture, but if you will notice you will see a little girl at the waters edge. So this family was actually up by us & I noticed this little girl dancing around and then she grabbed her crotch. I told everyone someone was getting ready to spring a leak. Her mother took her running to the ocean, but she couldn't make it. The mom pulled off her panties & she spread her legs really wide & just started peeing right there on the beach. We all laughed at this site on a public beach. Bless her little heart.
Here is a great shot of the Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Barry or Construction 129. This place was started in 1942, but was never finished. When it came time for them to mount the huge guns they realized that they would not be effective against air attack.
Another view from Fort Barry overlooking the bay.
Uncle Harry & I climbed to the top of Construction 129. It was a nice little hike, but the payoff was beautiful.
Here is the birthday girl Brooke sporting some new shades. I simply can't tell you all how much I adore this little girl. She is absolutely adorable & I love my little cousin something awful. Dana (her mother) & I were inseparable as kids & Brooke reminds me so much of Dana. It is like turning the clock back and reliving my childhood when I spend time with her. Oh by the way, she turned double digits this past weekend. That is how the whole trip came about as she wanted me there for her birthday. Happy Birthday Brookeeeeeeyyyyyy, 10 years old.
Here is our captain Jamie with his youngest Lauren. Jamie & Dana treated us all once again to an afternoon on their yacht in the bay. They've decided to sell the yacht which is a bummer, but we all had a blast being together this one last time. My cousin couldn't have ever found a better husband than Jamie. He is simply the best.
From the left are Brooke, Ramona, Bailey, Dana, Dixie & dad. We actually celebrated 3 birthdays this past weekend. Dad kicked things off on the 7th with his 74th birthday. Dixie's birthday was on the 8th & she turned 30. Brooke rounded out the weekend with hers on the 9th & she was 10 years old.
Lauren, Jamie & I as we are headed over to Tiburon to eat lunch.
Here is Jake with his two granddads. Uncle Harry is on the left & Jamie's dad Jim on the right.
Simply the best cousin in the world. I love, love, love my cousin Dana.
Here is mom holding court & playing cards with Brooke, Jake & Bailey. I think they think my mom is crazy. They just love Aunt Brenda.Here is a cute video of mom & the kids playing cards.
Here I am with my niece Dixie. It had been years since we had seen each other & it was nice catching up with all that is going on in each others lives.Almost under the Golden Gate Bridge & a view of some of the family. 13 of us went out on the bay this day.
Chillin' with my home boys Jamie & Jake.
The trip came to a close & what a wonderful trip it was. Thanks to Jamie & Dana once again for everything. I would like to send out a special thanks to my Aunt Ramona & Uncle Harry. It was so great seeing you both and spending some quality time with each of you. Please come to Colorado this summer so that I can repay all the hospitality you all showed me the last couple of days. I love you all very much.