Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

I traveled to Atlanta for the Thanksgiving Holiday. I spent a lot of time with my family & we were also able to go to the Iron Bowl (Auburn vs. Alabama).
Clark, Jeanne & I out in Atlanta. We ate at this place called Two Urban Licks in Inman Park. The food was fantastic. That is one thing I miss about my old town is the restaurants. The food there will beat Denver any day. Here we have Carla, Clark, Mitchel, mom, dad, myself & Alan before we left for the game.
Here Clark & I are with our 2 cousins Nancy (left) & Lesley (right). We took Lesley & her daughter Lindsey with us to the game & met up with Nancy & Stuart before kickoff.
Here is Mitchell & Lindsey as well before the game.
This was Lindsey's first Auburn game & I think she is a fan from here on out. Here we have she and Lesley as the game was winding down. Auburn made it 6 in a row over our arch rival Alabama. A good time was had by all. I think Clark & Lesley's sides hurt the next day from all the laughing that was going on. It is always great to get together and catch up with my family.
So Clark, Mitchell & I stopped at this Animal Safari on the way back to Atlanta. The are some kind of cows that are over in India. These things were huge & all of the animals are able to come up to your vehicle as you drive through the park & eat the treats that you purchase. It was a really neat place. The 2 videos below show an elk & one of these cows. Simply amazing.

Here is Mitchell doing his best Steve Irwin impersonation.

Mitchell feeding a huge elk.