We traveled to the "Loveliest Village on the Plains" this past Saturday to witness an old fashioned slugfest between the two Tigers of the SEC. Auburn vs. LSU lived up to its billing and left everyone on the edge of their seats in Jordan-Hare Stadium. Final Score Auburn 7 vs. LSU 3. This game was brutally HOT. It made for a miserable day in the stands. We were all physically drained as time expired.

Here is our eagle "Spirit" making his pregame flight. I had a feeling we would win after his flight that day. He must've stayed up in the air for about 3 minutes circling the stadium 4 times before landing to a thunderous roar of "War Eagle, Hey"!!!!!

Here is my brother Clark in the middle with his son Mitchell and his best friend Pat. Don't hold it against Pat for being an LSU fan. Those cajuns have to pull for someone.

Here is a picture of myself, Mitchell, Clark & my dad after the game was over. You can see in the background the scoreboard that reads Auburn 7, LSU 3.

Dad, Clark, Mitchell & Bevan after the game at Toomers Corner. For those of you that don't know about Auburn football, after every home win our fans congregate at the entrance to campus and roll Toomers Corner.

Here is Bevan, Clark, Mitchell & myself at Toomers Corner. Waaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr Eagleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!