Bevan and I flew to Florida to spend the 4th of July with my family at the beach. We had a great time while there and did a lot of fun stuff. Crazy stories were remembered and some new one's were made. I don't think my brother-in-law Alan will ever forget my brother's dog Max. He definitely left his mark on Alan.

This is a picture of the sun rising as we were leaving the bay. My dad took Clark, Alan, Bevan & myself fishing on his boat that he got last year. We caught a ton of fish and dad showed us all how it was done. He caught the most fish out of all of us. Some of the fish we caught were red & black grouper, scamp, amberjack, red snapper & one wahoo. We lucked out on the conditions for the day as well. The water was very calm almost like it would be in a lake, but it was rather hot once the afternoon came. We left out of the pier at 6 am & didn't arrive back at the dock until 7pm. Needless to say we were exhausted.

This is the first catch of the day. On the way to our destination to bottom fish, we put out the trolling line & within 2 minute's a Wahoo hit. Dad brought this bad boy in with no problem.

Here is a picture of the Wahoo on ice that my dad caught.

You have to look closely at the picture, but here are 2 dolphins that started following the boat. Dolphins are always nice to see while you are out, but you don't want them around you while you are fishing because they will steal your fish off your line when you are bringing them in. One of us had caught a grouper that was to small and we turned him loose. Some times when you bring the fish up so fast with the electric rods it takes them a minute to adjust once you turn them back loose. When we turned this grouper loose he was on top of the water and I saw a dolphin swim by. About a minute later you saw a big splash and there was no grouper left. The dolphin devoured him within a second.

Here is Clark with the Amberjack that I caught. We let him go since no one on the boat really cares for the taste of Amberjack.